Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Pulse + Feedly - A Great way to read all your interested articles/news.

I Love "Pulse" app on my Android. It provides all my news feeds in a cool mosaic view. If you have not heard of it or tried it . I would recommend you to check it out. Here is the description of the app. 

"A beautiful application that makes reading news fun and engaging.Pulse News is a beautiful app that takes your favorite websites and transforms them into a colorful and interactive mosaic. Tap on an article to see a clean and elegant view of the news story. Save stories for reading later across all platforms or sync them with Instapaper, Read it Later and Evernote. Sharing a story via Facebook, Twitter and email is as easy as two taps."

It is available in IOS platform as well. So, iPad and iPhone users can also enjoy this great app.

After looking at Pulse, somehow I started disliking the text based news/rss readers like Google Reader, NetNewsWire etc.,  I started missing Pulse when I was at my computer ( Pulse does not exist for desktops yet). So, I started my search in finding a similar desktop equivalent that i can use. With a little bit of research and trying out few websites/apps, i could find this browser extension called Feedly

Feedly is a great way of reading news on browsers. It provides extensions to chrome/firefox/safari. It also provides apps for Android and iOS. You can explore your interests by just typing your topic of interest and see the list of websites/news feeds you can follow. It can also synch your feeds with Google Reader. It has a nice look and feel. You can customize/personalize the look as well. Check out their video.
Different views to select from

Searching your news sources is very easy !

I know there are other alternatives for such services. Even I tried few others but  settled down with Feedly for my desktop and Pulse for my Mobile and Tablet.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I'm wondering if you know any way we can retrieve the full articles in Feedly itself, like Pulse does?

    My current Feedly set up just links me to the website i'm following, which is kind of annoying. I love how Feedly looks compared to Pulse (been using Pulse for months!), but hate this one problem.

    Am I missing something?

    Thanks for sharing! :)
